Thursday, March 31, 2016

What's The T Thrusday: Stay Strong Kehlani

Hey you guys it's Thursday and it's time for your weekly dose of celebrity news. This story Is a little serious it, has been one of the biggest stories this week involving up and coming singer Kehlani. So incase you don't know Kehlani was in a big mess over the week (mainly created by social media)...She was dating a basketball player named Kyrie Irving (pic below) and then people made it seem like she cheated on him with rapper (and former boyfriend, now boyfriend again) Party Next Door (I have no clue who this is lol pic below)When social media caught wind of the change in partners, without knowing the full story, everyone started to come down on the R&B songstress like a thunderstorm...calling her all types of stuff one of them being cheater!....Shorty after that Kehlani was in the hospital after committing suicide!!! :( ...Thankfully she is ok and has PND right by her side.... but people still did not take this seriously and tried to call her out, saying she was "looking for attention" including singer Chris Brown who always has to speak his mind about is what he had to say (via The Shade Room):

She has since deleted all her post on Instagram but before she did she had this to say about the whole situation (via the shade room):
 This is for sure a case of people not knowing the entire story...Even Kyrie himself said when asked about this situation that Kehlani DID NOT CHEAT ON HIM!!....I am sad about this because I am a fan and I hope this wasn't the only thing that made her want to end her life only because with more fame comes more problems...This won't be the last time people come for her the more successful she becomes the worst the haters with media can really break some people so I hope this didn't break her....She stated there were other things going on too so maybe this was just the icing on the cake...Whatever it was that got her to this point I hope she takes the time she needs to deal with her issues because I would hate to loose a talented artist such as herself....Stay Strong Kehlani!!!.....I Hope You all enjoy this post this Thrusday...Thank You For reading...see you tomorrow :)

 Kehlani & Kyrie Irving

Kehlani & PND..Also Kehlani Instagram Pic Of Her At The Hospital

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Whack Wednesday: Oh So You Just Gonna Sit There..Septa Editon

Hey you guys it is Wednesday and today I am going on a bit of rant.....What is Really Whack This Wednesday is the Seats On Septa!! In case you don't live in Philadelphia, Septa is our Public Transpiration Center. In this rant I am specifically talking about the Septa Buses...I want to know who was the person that tested out how much space was needed between two seats....on the buses you normally have two seats next to each other no space in between them, it is like you are literally in a box (pic below) but did septa ever think about all the people who ride Septa...being a big and/or tall person you can forget about being comfortable but also there are people with shopping bags, baby strollers, walkers etc....that also use public transportation that have no room what so ever....not everyone can sit on the outside towards the isle and not everyone owns or uses a car but I'm sure that is the reason why public transportation was created...and they have these really dumb seats in the middle of the bus that have a nerve to have a poll in the middle of the seats HOW THE HELL ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSE TO USE THAT SEAT...lets scratch that, there are people that squeeze themselves behind that poll or will sit beside you in the two seat chairs knowing DAMN WELL we both can't fit but you know what I'm not going to blame them, they trying to get where they need to be just like I am..I blame who ever created the damn spacing between the order to be really comfortable you would have to go on there with no coat, no bags....just don't take nothing...I will continue to use Septa even though there are many problems (this is only the surface) because frankly what else am I going to take but it really gets on my nerves how tight those seats are smh.....Hope you enjoyed this rant today lol Thank You for reading see you tomorrow :)
Look How Close These Seats Are Together This is like 2 people and then 1 person will try to sit in between the poll smh 
 I just wanted to show you the two seaters...When I sit in this spot being plus size and tall my knees are shoved up against the back and somebody wanna sit next to me...giiiirrrrrlllllll......I guess he trying hog the seat with his glasses if you don't move for I sit on them lol lol
ps. don't for get to check out my new You Tube Vid...Here Is The Link 5 tips On What Not To Do When Dating A Plus Size Women!!...I'm giving dating tips lol

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Truth Tuesday: Hi I'm April and I'm Addicted To Shopping

So it's Tuesday and for the liars who said that it was spring yall can kiss my a@#! I missed the days when spring actually happened and we had that perfect hoodie/sweater weather...Idk what this bs is, it's not going over 4o degrees here in Philly...Anyway back to my life update....Everything as been pretty much the same..I am still figuring out life and still trying to balance out Living life and Trying to Save for the Future so I'm trying to still treat myself to things that I want but still making sure that something goes in my savings account it makes me feel like I'm still being responsible but at the same time living life. The only problem with this is that over the last couple of weeks I have developed a bit of a make up obsession which as made me want to spend a majority of my money on make up...sounds sooooo dumb but whatever...I blame You Tube. You see all the girls doing there makeup and then you start to say well I need that and I need that too. With me trying to save its kind of frustrating because instead of getting 10 things I have to pick 2 which sucks a#@!...Like I want to get the new stuff when it comes out or before it sells out :( but you know what I have figured out a plan I will just get 8 jobs you know, this will support my shopping habit lol lol I kid. I just have to deal with getting one thing at a time balance is most important...saving and other responsibilities are first luxury comes second. One day I will be better finical and can buy whatever the hell I want ...until then one thing at a save save.... On a good note Wrestlemaina is coming up this Sunday!!! yes I watch wrestle, I'm not ashamed lol I am so excited its like the super bowl of the wrestling world...wish I could be there :( but still happy I can watch it at home....if your into wrestling by any chance I do have a Instagram page @thebossandtheempire a post vids and pics talking all about wwe and nxt of your into that sort of thing.....One thing about me I am a bit of nerd lol but I like that about myself....being yourself is better then not....I'm a girly girly and a nerd lol......So that's it for today I hope you enjoyed this post...I will see you tomorrow!!!

Monday, March 28, 2016


This Weeks #MCM goes to:
I can't really decided weather it is the chocolate skin, the tattoos, the nice lips, the beard or the nice smile that makes him so handsome...I'll just say all of the above! He definitely deserves to be this weeks #MCM

Madly In The Monday : The Miracle Water

Hey everyone I know it is Monday but good news is I'm here for you :) Today on Madly In Love Monday I want to talk about a product that I have been using for about a week now....Garnier Micellar Water All In One Makeup Remover. This stuff right here is one of the best make up removers  I have had so far. What I like about it is that it is for all skin types including my sensitive ass, it's not feels literally like water. Makeup comes off so easy...and If you get the blue bottle (there is also a pink one) you can even remove water proof mascara...I have become a huge fan in this short amount of time of using it. I first saw it in a store and thought I want to try it but before I did I watched a You Tube review and after that I had to get it....I believe  you can get it at any drug store but I got mines at Kmart and it was price $8.99 I think the price is not bad for the product because you get a really big bottle and if your like me and don't wear makeup everyday this can last you a really long time...So don't just take my word for go out and try it I think its awesome...I don't get paid by this brand I just really really love this product because it works!!!.......So I hope you all enjoyed this post and are having an amazing day...Thank You For Reading....also here is a link to my lastest You Tube Vid check that out here....Welcome To The Plus Side: Ipsy Unboxing.....See You Tomorrow!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Style Star Sunday: Scar Jo

Hey you guys and girls it's Sunday and I want to wrap this week up with one of favorite actress, the one, the only Scarlett Johansson a.ka The Black Widow (one my favorite characters of hers next to Lucy)So besides her being an amazing actress she has amazing style...What I love about her style is that she can go from girl next door, to old Hollywood, to sexy siren and look amazing in all...Also I love how she can interpret the same three styles with her hair and makeup...simply put she is gorgeous...Down below are my favorite Scarlett Johansson red carpet looks...I know you'll love them just as much as I do:)

So this wraps things up for me this week buuuuuutttttt make sure next week you check out my You Tube Page by the same name...Welcome To The Plus Side...I'll Be Posting 2 new vids on Wednesday and Friday...Please Like and Subscribe :) Thank You For Reading and Have A Great Night!!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Strut Your Stuff Saturday

Hey Everyone! Its Saturday, so it is time for fierce fashion from curvy fashionista!! So this week I want to feature....@MsPeachesImSoFocused....I was on the gram looking around and saw her pic and I said.."Well she looks amazing" So I had to look at her page and let me tell you her style is bomb....Its sexy, bold, fabulous....I love how she styles her dresses, which are amazing!! ( I need all your dresses girl lol) , I love the bold colors and prints she wears and make up and hair is perfect....Love love love...Down below, as I do every Saturday are 5 of my favorite looks of hers...hope you enjoy just as much as I do :).... 

So that's it for today I will see Tomorrow for Style Star Sunday...Have an amazing Day ..xoxo:)