Thursday, January 21, 2016

Whats The T Thrusday: The Controverisal Stacey Dash

So this week is a bit of a serious topic but I have been thinking a lot about it since seeing all the talk on social media and really wanted to give my personal opinion and also get your opinion as well. So Oscars are coming shortly and celebrities Jada Pinkett'Smith & Spike Lee are planning on boycotting the event because of the lack of diversity in nominees. So Stacey Dash was on Fox & Friends and was asked how she felt about the boycott. Basically she thought the boycott was Ludicrous. She stated "we need to make up our minds, either we want segregation or integration." If integration is what we want she feels that there should be No B.E.T Network, B.E.T awards, Image awards (because only black people win) or No Black History Month, she stated "we're American's period. She also made a statement that president Obama is being funded by "liberal elite in Hollywood" so she finds it interesting that there are no African American nominees or roles for African Americans in films. She also says that she hopes that the nominees are picked by the best movies and not because of race and that there maybe should be diversity in the voting committee...So here is what rubs me the wrong way about Dee from Clueless and That's So Raven they both have been bringing up the fact that they don't want to be labeled and that they want to be "just Americans"  not "African Americans." My problem with this is that they both come off like they are negating the fact that they are black, like they are not proud of who they are and the history they come from. When this came up a lot of people where saying that Morgan Freedman also made similar comments but it went over better with me because he acknowledges that he is African American.. He did say something a long the lines that he doesn't think there should be a black history month but he also said why are we confided to just a month, black history is American history and that we are all Americans. I understand not wanting to be labeled because we all want to equal and treated as equals but I would never, ever negate being black. I'm proud of who I am and where I came from...To me if they said "I'm proud of being black and where I came from but I don't want to be labeled" I would be on their side on this, but they come off like they like they a dismissing part of their black heritage all together . Another thing Stacey said was she doesn't think there should be a B.E.T network or awards or Image awards because only African Americans are awarded and if this (which it is) was the other the other way around we would be " up in arms" (which we are). This award show and network was created because there wasn't enough representation of African-Americans on television so someone was like "you know what I'm going to make something for us." Do I think there should be more representations of all cultures on every network ABSOLUTLEY...It is getting there but its not all the way yet. Another thing I didn't like was when the anchor said this "should there not be a Black History Month, because there is no White History Month." and Stacey Said Yes?!! this left me soo confused and this was so dumb to me, I'm offense to white Americans but if we all are being real with ourselves, do we really need a white history month? Growing up all I learned about in history class was about white Americans. There is a black history month because of this, I had to take a special class in order to learn Black History...Should we learn about history from all cultures White, Black, Spanish Asian in our schools today ABSOLUTLEY. Basically I agree that we need to be integrated a lot more and that we should all just be considered Americans and not divided by race but I also feel that no one should deny their culture or the history of their culture. I hope also the nominees where picked based on the quality of the films and not because of race. I have watched a lot of award shows and none seemed to be unfair and my opinion. also if I am being honest I cant wait for everything to stop being about race, but I do understand that sometimes when you think something is unfair you have to speak up in order for it to change.. hopefully things will continue to do so... So this was a long one, please join in on the conversation I would love to hear you opinion, comment below!! THANK YOU FOR READING!

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