Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Whack Wednesday: The Word "Fat"

Hey everyone hope your having a good today, today is my day I'm feeling Great! I'm sorry it took so long to post but emotionally I just had a lot going on but I can't let that stop this, something I love to do, sooooo I'm back starting this week where I left off which is Whack Wednesday! Now the word "FAT" is a word that is up for debate even with plus size women of weather the word is offensive or not. Some women have been using the word as a since of ownership, like I'm calling myself fat so you can't call me fat or if you call me fat it won't hurt as much because I already know or said this about myself, idk. Some women just don't give a f#@%! If they are called fat or if they call someone else fat. These women feel so what ...where fat, get over it! I have seen a lot of back in forth of some finding it hurtful, and some that could care less. For me personally I find this word Super Hurtful , If someone calls me fat it honestly take my confidence down a couple of notches. Why you ask? because this word was never, ever used by someone to make me feel good about myself. Calling someone FAT is not saying "oooohhh your so pretty" the majority of the time it is being use to make fun (unless you really into the thickness but even then its super creepy).I was talked about when I was younger and it took me until after high school to feel confident in my size and work my curves Even grown ass people like my family members who have No Chill!! Like to throw this word at me still (not always to be mean) but when someone uses that word towards me or I see someone being hurt by that word, especially the younger kids, it brings me back to those people in my school days who called me fat or made fun of me for being a big girl. Now with my friend I use to jokingly use the word but only with me and her about me and her but I knew not to call another person fat because that would be hurtful. For the women who are OK with the word I think that is great as long as deep down inside you are really ok with it but if your really not ok with don't call yourself fat, don't make fun of yourself to make others happy, F#@! Them! This doesn't just go for women but men also. I know your all tough guys but its ok if you don't like to be called names. The sad thing is that we (plus size women and men) call each other names. What is up with that?? I don't know if this is for every person but I think is a defense mechanism. I think anyone big or not who talks about another person has some since of insecurity about themselves. Young or old we control what comes out of our mouths this all takes time, growth and awareness to break old habits (I am including myself). Even though this goes for everyone I wanna say if you are plus size and you make fun of plus size people chill out, we are suppose to support each other...stop being a bitch (excuse my French.) If somebody finds the word offensive or hurtful even if you dont just dont say it no more....So I was thinking what are non-offensive words that still express the beauty of being plus(to me)...well duh plus size is not offensive, big girl is ok, bbw, pleasantly plump, thick, Voluptuous, Sexy AF or how about just say you look nice, cute pretty, handsome, beautiful loose the "size words" all together. I cant stand "you look pretty for a big girl" I look pretty any damn way (in the words of Mrs. Tamar Braxton) GET YOUR LIFE.!" So what is your opinion on this topic??? Let me know down below and thank you so much for reading, enjoying, and sharing :)