Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Whack Wednesday: Oh So You Just Gonna Sit There..Septa Editon

Hey you guys it is Wednesday and today I am going on a bit of rant.....What is Really Whack This Wednesday is the Seats On Septa!! In case you don't live in Philadelphia, Septa is our Public Transpiration Center. In this rant I am specifically talking about the Septa Buses...I want to know who was the person that tested out how much space was needed between two seats....on the buses you normally have two seats next to each other no space in between them, it is like you are literally in a box (pic below) but did septa ever think about all the people who ride Septa...being a big and/or tall person you can forget about being comfortable but also there are people with shopping bags, baby strollers, walkers etc....that also use public transportation that have no room what so ever....not everyone can sit on the outside towards the isle and not everyone owns or uses a car but I'm sure that is the reason why public transportation was created...and they have these really dumb seats in the middle of the bus that have a nerve to have a poll in the middle of the seats HOW THE HELL ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSE TO USE THAT SEAT...lets scratch that, there are people that squeeze themselves behind that poll or will sit beside you in the two seat chairs knowing DAMN WELL we both can't fit but you know what I'm not going to blame them, they trying to get where they need to be just like I am..I blame who ever created the damn spacing between the order to be really comfortable you would have to go on there with no coat, no bags....just don't take nothing...I will continue to use Septa even though there are many problems (this is only the surface) because frankly what else am I going to take but it really gets on my nerves how tight those seats are smh.....Hope you enjoyed this rant today lol Thank You for reading see you tomorrow :)
Look How Close These Seats Are Together This is like 2 people and then 1 person will try to sit in between the poll smh 
 I just wanted to show you the two seaters...When I sit in this spot being plus size and tall my knees are shoved up against the back and somebody wanna sit next to me...giiiirrrrrlllllll......I guess he trying hog the seat with his glasses if you don't move for I sit on them lol lol
ps. don't for get to check out my new You Tube Vid...Here Is The Link 5 tips On What Not To Do When Dating A Plus Size Women!!...I'm giving dating tips lol

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