Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Truth Tuesday: Life is too short.

Sorry this is late, it's just been one of those days. Being a women sucks sometimes. Every month we get a visit from the devil and along with it comes cramps, acne, cravings, unnecessary emotions and fatigue. If only men could experience this; oh what a world it would be.....anyway I heard some sad news about my grandma. I won't go that deep into it but my grandma has Alzheimer's disease;and doesn't have long too live. When you are going to loose or have lost somebody regardless of your relationship it still holds a great sadness. It also reminds you that life is too short to let it just past bye. Sometimes I have stayed away from things and people because of fear. Its not a easy thing to do for a introvert like me but I will try my best to break out of this. Life is short and filled with ups,downs, good and bad experiences. It makes us who we are. Everything we go through in life makes us stronger people. Live life is the moral to this entry, try to make the best of each day.

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