Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Truth Tuesday

I am soooooo tired but I have to stay up and be productive. Looking for jobs is the worst process in the world. Today I had to do a digital simulation, like ummmm. Things are getting more in depth when applying for a job. It's no longer just going to the store, fill out applications; oooohhhh nnnnoooo there is a application to fill out, a questionnaire to fill out and then a computer simulation to test your customer service. One job I applied for I had to take a math test smh  but you have to do what you gotta do. I Hope something comes through soon. I want to save, travel, move and of course shop. Also i don't want just any job, i want to be happy to go to work everyday.Everything takes time though. I'll just continue to fill out these 2 day long applications. I'm starting to see the results to this dieting thing. When I see a roll disappear I'll know I made it. The love life is on pause (not by choice) but I guess it's a good thing for now because I'm trying to get my ish together. I don't really want to date;the thing about dating is Nobody Wants To Date Anymore! What happened to going to the movies, going out dinner, get to know  each other without expecting sex right away and I think 3 months is a good dating period before have a relationship. I don't understand. Guys (in my experience) move too fast or they have no intention on being commented to one women. I'm hoping me and "the one" find each other. Until then I'm going to focus on bettering myself.

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