Hey everyone, Hope your doing good this Wonderful Wenesday lol (that was so cheesy.) So what's whack this Wenesday and has been whack for a long time now is bullying!!!! Bullying to me comes in many different forms it's not just physical but it's also verbal. Hurtful words can make a person feel insecure, depressed and even in severe cases suicidal. I bring this up because even has a grown women you still have to go through these things, so it is not just a high school, middle school type of thing. I have been verbally bullied but never to the point where I wanted to hurt myself but so many others have and it's sad that those people had to go through what they went through. I bring this up because recently a co-worker was talking to me about how there are "clicks" at work and they get in their little groups and talk ish basically about her. I thought this was crazy because they all are much older then me and even though I know this does exist and I have been around it more than once it's still amazes me that grown women act like this. Now I'm not perfect I have been guilty of gossiping and ish like that but I'm still working on myself and have learned to keep my personal feelings to myself, say out of work gossip and also to say more positive things then negative things. It was just disappointing to hear that grown women still have clicks and talk about other people. I believe in the work place people that are trying to get up to higher level or "feel" they are closer to the boss tend to talk more about people they feel are lower than them. In other cases in the work place some people talk badly about the people that are in higher positions because they believe that person thinks that they are better than them. It's a never ending cycle and unfortunately I don't think this will ever go away. If I have any advice it is to just remember that NO BODY IS PAYING YOUR BILLS BUT YOU! SO DONT LET ANYBODY STOP YOU FROM GETTING YOUR CHECK. IGNORE THE HATERS.!!I know it's hard and sometimes you wanna pop them in the mouth or even just quit but don't let them tear you down. The same goes for young kids in High School YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO SEE THOSE POPULAR GIRLS EVER AGAIN, WHAT THEY THINK NEVER MATTERD, THEY PROABLY HAVE A BILLION INSECURITIES THEM SELVES! Everyone has an opinion unfortunately and a lot of people have no filter and just say whatever comes out their mouth, even crusty ass family members. All you can do is keep your head up and keep working towards your goals whether it be in your career or graduating. There is always going to be that one person or group of people that so "ooooohhhh they looks happy let me go f up their day because I just feel like it." Be strong and ignore the haters the best way you can and make sure to teach future generations that bullying is Wrong! No one should ever be made to feel less than or unworthy. IF NO ONE HAS TOLD YOU TODAY, YOUR AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL! ......I hope you enjoy this post please share, comment, follow :)....also today I am posting a YouTube Video ..A Hair Store Shopping Haul please go and check that out and Subscirbe for more videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/phlajones !!
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